An Update From the Shirt Factory


Hey there, how has your summer been?

Here at the Shirt Factory, ours began with an outdoor project. It felt like a great excuse to dig in the dirt and breathe fresh air. We started by extending the perennial garden along the fence line and building a fire pit from scrap steel and slate.

Of the plants we put in along the fence line, we're most excited about the 2 young Eastern Redbuds- whose blooms are a welcome sign of Spring, and the 3 Totem Pole Switch Grasses, which we love for their height, texture, and winter interest.


From there, we headed back inside to work on some website improvements and design some new small items for sale.

We just added a gorgeous French rolling pin which is ready for purchase under the General Store portion of our site! It is made of cherry hardwood and embellished with a trio of rings at each end. We love it for its simple beauty, heft, and scale.


For now, we're grasping onto every bit of summer that we can. You’ll find us eating all the sweet tomatoes, new potatoes, and fried dough (see proof) that we can get our mitts on while squeezing in swims at a nearby lake. We hope that you all are enjoying these remaining summer days as well!


Another recent addition to the website is our CNC Services page. For a few years now, we've been offering CNC wood cutting and prototyping services to those who inquire. We've worked on a wide range of projects, which has been a fun addition to our furniture business. We enjoy problem-solving and the opportunity to think outside the scope of furniture design.

If you're curious about these services or have any custom furniture needs, please give us a call or email us. We'd love to work with you!

Wishing you all a fun holiday weekend ahead.

